Subcontractors Room

Subcontractors and vendors

We need your Expertise

Please fill our Pre-qualification form, Our goal is to deliver the best construction services and projects in the regions where we live and work. That’s why we create meaningful, trusting relationships with great subcontractors. And, we want you to successfully compete for projects that match your capacity, skillset and financial strength.

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Estimator Name
Company Type:
State Licenses
Type of Work
Labor Type
Legal/Safety Section
Is your company or any of its owners or officers currently involved in any litigation, mediation, arbitration or prosecution or defense of formal claims in connection with any contract, project, or subcontract?
Has your company or any affiliated company or any of its principals ever petitioned for bankruptcy, failed in business, closed a business, defaulted, or failed to complete a contract, or been asked to post collateral against a loss?
OSHA Citations: Has your company had a federal or state OSHA citation within the last (3) years?
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Please submit any documents that help us to understant better your business. Example: Insurance Certificates, Broshures, W-9 forms, etc.